Our Mission

At HighIQ Hooper, our mission is clear: to make training safe and fun to help players unlock their full potential, empowering them to achieve their goals in basketball and life.

Through our platform, we aim to help parents see their players develop, get more playing time, have success, receive recognition, and gain the coach’s trust. We have a culture of resilience, commitment, and sportsmanship, instilling the belief that with guidance, dedication, practice, and a plan anything is possible.

Our Vision

We teach players who want to play more but don’t know how by enhancing their basketball IQ and the details of offensive as well as defensive skill work to players. Helping parents feel the benefits of all they sacrifice for their kids dreams.


We believe in a sense of community for kids, where they meet new friends with mutual interests. Sports provides players with the skill  of working together to achieve a common goal. Training as part of a community helps kids learn important life skills such as cooperation and communication.


Through sports a player develops talent and learns life skills. Achieving long term goals requires focus and commitment. With hard work a player can become successful in basketball, school, and life.

Our Values


We believe in the patient and consistent pursuit of getting better toward your goals.  Players benefit from a safe place for correction. This creates a positive environment to development and learn new basketball skills.


Every player is unique and has different areas of improvement. We understand that meeting each players individual needs is key to their success. It’s important to teach to their game and work on the details to help them be their best.


A welcoming and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Diversity is our strength, and inclusivity is our priority. We welcome players from all skill levels, backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

The lineup

Having Fun

Playing the game with good energy and happiness.

Team Chemistry

Respect of the coach and the team goals

Court Awareness

Understanding player positioning and movement on the court

Decision Making

Making split-second choices

Offensive Concepts

Learning offensive strategies

Defensive Concepts

Understanding defensive principles

Basketball Fundamentals

Mastering basic skills

Basketball Terminology

Familiarity with the language and terminology used in basketball

Mental Toughness and Character

Developing resilience

Our Latest Highlights

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The Team

Behind HighIQ Hooper stands a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about sports, motivation, and making a positive impact. Meet the faces driving our mission forward.

Player Photo

Senior Athletic Advisor

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Program Director/Development Coach

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Athletic Advisor/Women’s Basketball

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Women’s Basketball Trainer

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CAA College Recruitment Specialist

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Wellness and Nutrition Trainer

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Advanced Skills and Fitness Coach

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Trainer/College Basketball Player

Player Photo

Trainer/College Basketball Player

Training Process

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The most common questions.

How does HIQH support player development, both on and off the court?
What kind of training and coaching staff does HIQH have, and what qualifications do they bring?
What resources does HIQH provide to support student-athletes' mental and physical well-being?
Why pay for HIQH training?
Can you describe HIQH's approach to balancing academics and athletics for student-athletes?
Are there opportunities for HIQH members to compete in tournaments or leagues outside of regular season play?
Where is HIQH?
What opportunities are available for members to engage with the local community or participate in community service projects?
How does HIQH promote inclusivity and diversity among its members?

At High IQ Hooper our mission is one of understanding and support. We support kids who want to follow their dreams and understand what parents go through to make those dreams come true. We have a passion for giving them both the solution and power to reach the highest levels possible with basketball IQ.

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